The design team, consisting of KDOT, Wilson & Company and GBA has looked at three different alternatives for this section of K-383: a Pavement Preservation, Widening on Existing Alignment, and Offset Alignment. Each typical section shows the roadway section that was considered and the corresponding impacts on Right-of-Way (R/W), cost implications, and safety enhancements. For each of the alignments, Potential Design Elements are being considered and are discussed more in depth below.
Potential Design Elements (Being Considered for All Alternatives)
1. Addition of shoulder rumble strips and centerline rumble strips enhancing driver safety. Rumble strips are a roadway safety feature to alert inattentive drivers when they drift from their lane.
2a. The addition of a bypass lane at Bryant Street for NB traffic in Almena. Vehicles traveling north on K-383 will be able to shift around left turning vehicles headed west at Bryant Street.
2b. The addition of a southbound right turn lane at Bryant Street in Almena. Vehicles traveling west on Bryant Street will be able to shift over to the turn lanes moving out of the way for vehicles continuing south on K-383.
3. The addition of left turn lanes at W 1100 Rd, allowing separation of thru and left turn vehicles through Long Island at this intersection.
Adjacent Projects
Typical Section: 2 - 12' lanes with a composite shoulder (3' paved and 3' turf)
Anticipated Construction Schedules:
Phillips County from Bridge No. 051 to US-183 (Project No. 383-74 KA-2372-03): Construction to begin in summer 2021. The road will be closed during the constrution season in 2022. Estimated completion in Fall 2022.
Norton County from US-36 to Bridge No. 062 at Almena (Project No. 383-69 KA-2371-02): Construction to begin in summer 2022. The road will be closed during the construction season in 2023. Estimated completion in Fall 2023.